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Benign breast disease makes you more prone to getting breast lumps. Finding a lump can be scary, but these breast changes are benign (not cancer). Certain types of breast disease increase your risk of breast cancer. You should notify your healthcare provider about any breast lumps or changes. Most noncancerous lumps go away without treatment.

What is benign breast disease?

If you feel a lump in your breast, your first thought may be that you have breast cancer. Fortunately, a majority of breast lumps are benign, meaning they’re not cancerous.
Both women and men can develop benign (noncancerous) breast lumps. This condition is known as benign breast disease. While these breast changes aren’t cancerous or life-threatening, they may increase your risk of developing breast cancer later on.

How common is benign breast disease?

Benign breast lumps in women are common. Up to half of all women will experience fibrocystic changes that cause noncancerous breast lumps at some point in their lives. Fluctuating hormone levels often cause these breast tissue changes.

What are the types of benign breast disease

There are many different types of benign breast disease. Most of the following types don’t increase cancer risk and don’t require treatment:

Causes benign breast disease

Common causes of noncancerous breast lumps include: